Friday, August 10, 2007


Singaporeans do not care for singapore. i say this because of what i have observe residing in singapore for the past 15 years. take for instance our national anthem. how many non malays in singapore understand its lyrics?. how can we not even know what saying singing the anthem? students are not taught the meaning of the words in school, we are taught to sing the anthem quite blindly. furthermore, every morning at the school parade ground where students gather to sing the anthem, the voices are muted. i also witness spectators at the national day parade figeting aroud, talking eating when the nationa anthem was playing.
singapore is a multi-racial city, but ask a chinese which day does deepavali falls on or its significence, it is highly probable that the chinese will return your answer with a blank stare. despite living with various enthics, many singaporeans are not culturally knowledgable of the other races
if provided with a choice, most young men would prefer not to join national service. thay see ns as a interference in their persue for further studies and is a waste of time. one is suppose to be honoured to be part of the army. a uncle of mine once met a men from middle east who was upset that his daughter was leaving the army the next day and said he was filled with pride to have his daughter fight the country.upon completeing ns, the men go for a celebration. not very patroitic...
singaporean seldom display support for our sportsmen. how many people watches the s-league, and how many singaporeans will die w/o the epl. we will wake up midnight just to catch a european football match on tv but would not go catch a local match live at a stadium. it cost just 3 to 5 dollars for a local match, sometimes even free so that there is a higher chance that more people will turn up. singaporeans do not know our sporting achivements.

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